
Maersk uses the EdasInvoice solution at the headquarters in Spain, Portugal and the Philippines where the solution takes part in the electronic invoice generation processes and signs the generated invoice files and which must finally be sent to customers.

International business conglomerate that has activities mainly in the transport and energy sectors.

The A.P. Møller-Mærsk, often written Moller-Maersk, is an international business conglomerate that has activities in several areas, mainly in the transport and energy sectors. The company is known as Mærsk (or internationally Maersk) and is famous for its large shipping business. Since 1996 it is the largest maritime freight company in the world.

Mærsk is headquartered in Copenhagen, Denmark, but also has offices in more than 135 countries. In 2011, the group had about 117,000 employees and was ranked 154 on the Fortune Global 500 list.

  • Maersk uses the EdasInvoice solution at the headquarters in Spain, Portugal and the Philippines where the solution takes part in the electronic invoice generation processes and signs the generated invoice files and which must finally be sent to customers.

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    Solutions aimed at automating business processes, electronic invoicing and certified digitalization.


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