Vinci Group – Eurovia

Eurovia, a Vinci Group road construction company, has chosen ZeroComa through Konica Minolta as the provider of the electronic invoice solution in Spain

Eurovia, road construction company of the Vinci Group

The project includes, in its more than 30 delegations throughout Spain, the generation of the signed invoice, sending the invoice to FACe or any of the General Points of Entry (PGE) integrated in EdasFacturas (more than 98% of the AAPP) and the automatic review of the invoice statuses to keep users constantly informed about their internal processing status. Additionally, an automated signed and unattended sending of PDF invoices to private sector clients has been set up to maximize the savings of this efficient billing system.

  • Eurovia, a Vinci Group road construction company, has chosen ZeroComa through Konica Minolta as the provider of the electronic invoice solution in Spain

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    Solutions aimed at automating business processes, electronic invoicing and certified digitalization.


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