Professional Digitization

Professional high production digitalization solution

Advantages of digitization

In ZeroComa we have accumulated great experience during the last years in projects of various kinds, so we have internalized that the way of working is not the same for a company that has to digitize occasionally than another that has recurrent scanning processes with significant volumes of work.

For the former, it is enough to have a good scanning device, but for those companies that regularly perform scanning tasks for having a Document Management system or some internal procedure that requires this type of tasks, it is not enough to have a good machine: it is It is necessary to have adequate scanning software tools such as the one offered by the Professional Scanning Solution.

To SCAN LARGE QUANTITIES it is necessary to use scanning devices that operate at speeds close to or greater than 100 pages per minute. This also requires having a system that allows you to control the reliability of the scanning process at that speed.

The advantage of using EdasScan Pro in this type of scan is that it allows the user to carry out an exhaustive control of the scanning process in real time.

For DISTRIBUTED SCAN and performed by different people, we find the opposite case. Since there are many different scanning positions it means that there are no users dedicated exclusively to this task, so the specialization and knowledge of advanced scanning processes are low. In addition, there may be a great rotation as far as the scanning user is concerned.

EdasScan Pro

EdasScan Pro provides all the functionality needed in the most demanding scan scenarios, but with the simplicity of handling enough for anyone to use.

Who is EdasScan Pro aimed at?

  • Organism and Public Administration
  • Digitization Centers
  • Document Management Services Companies
  • Banking
  • Medium and large companies

Our Solution allows to make a professional scan with any scanning device, since it incorporates automatic separation, management and recognition of barcodes, monitoring and quality control, regulatory compliance, etc.

The regulations related to the certification of digitalization systems approved by the AEAT and the Provincial Councils of Álava, Vizcaya, Guipúzcoa and Navarra, are the following:

AEAT This procedure has been detailed in the Resolution of October 24 and develops the provisions of Ministerial Order EHA 962/2007 of April 10 on telematic invoicing and electronic conservation of invoices, contained in Royal Decree 1496/2003, of November 28 , which approves the regulation regulating billing obligations.

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    Conde de Peñalver St., 36
    28006 Madrid (Spain)


    (+34) 91 444 95 67