Electronic Invoice: What is the difference between the DIR3 and DIRe codes?

On the way of the Public Administration towards the total digital transformation of its processes, i...
The ZeroComa project at SGS aims to set up a system for converting invoices issued to electronic format Facturae of all the companies in the group. At the reception, distribution and allocation tasks are also carried out, approval flow and the data of the invoices are crossed with the orders to finally dump the information to the economic-financial system of the organization in Spain obtaining a great automation of the tasks.
The EdasFacturas solution also provides invaluable assistance to the management analysis of the organization.
On the way of the Public Administration towards the total digital transformation of its processes, i...
ZeroComa has presented almost a hundred Spanish wineries with its star tool for sending to AEAT the...
On January 1, 2020, SILICIE, the new Accounting Book keeping system for the products subject to Spec...