ZeroComa and PwC present the accounting management tool for Special Taxes (EdasSILICIE) to almost one hundred wineries
ZeroComa has presented almost a hundred Spanish wineries with its star tool for sending to AEAT the Special Tax Accounting Books (EdasSILICIE), so that the obliged subjects can comply with this new regulation that is called SILICIE and enters effective January 1, 2020.
The Regulatory Councils of the Designations of Origin Rías Baixas, (Galicia) and Manchuela (Albacete), have hosted SILICIE information sessions at their headquarters so that their associated wineries can learn all about the new tax obligations imposed by SILICIE and aspects EdasSILICIE technicians, the tool developed by ZeroComa that will allow the presentation of the affected accounting books.
EdasSILICIE is postulated as the best solution for the connection and automation of the presentation of the accounting entries of the processes, movements, stocks and raw materials affected by the special taxes. In the sessions, the consultancy PwC (PriceWaterHouseCoopers) has participated, which has explained and described in detail the most relevant fiscal aspects of SILICIE imposed by the AEAT.
Wineries belonging to other denominations of origin have wanted to attend the conference, given the enormous interest and impact that this requirement of the AEAT has in their activities, which will force them to implement their own accounting system as soon as possible.
Both ZeroComa and PwC, backed by the Regulatory Councils Rías Baixas, Manchuela and Ribeira Sacra, have insisted on the urgency of receiving before the 31st December the special Regime of their own accounting system since, otherwise, the organizations subject to this regulation They will be automatically incorporated into the General Regime that requires the manual submission of the Accounting Books in the AEAT electronic headquarters in 24 hours. This last option entails multiple disadvantages, especially in terms of time, productivity and error validation.